A member of the public bravely rescued this starling from his telephone wires on Wednesday afternoon. it wasn't plainly obvious as to why he got tangled up untill we had a closer look and realised both his feet were severley tangled up in thin black sewing thread.
Goodness knows how he got tangled in it but his toes were locked together. he must have had a small bit dangling when he landed on the wires and this got blown round and tangled on the wire so as he flew off he ended up hanging upside down. And with the struggling it just made the string tighter.
40 minutes later and we managed to finally get all the string off to find that one of his toes was badly broken. As can be seen on the left foot in the picture above.
After a trip to the vet and some manipulation of the toe he managed to get the bone back into place and the Starling is now sporting the latest in fashion....
A bright blue toe bandage..
Our vets are great at doing 'Dolls-house' scale medical work..
His toe still may die and fall away although birds are great at adapting to losses like that so he can still survive without it. All being well that won't happen.
We have all our fingers and emmm... toes ;) crossed that he heals up.. he is eating well so far